Today, another piece of my puzzle (figuring out the life of a freelance writer who has two kids living at home, a husband and numerous outside jobs to do during the summer) slipped into place. I sent my first book review off to Kirkus Reviews. I have my fingers crossed that they like it and send me another book, as I'd much rather be reading and writing reviews than doing my current day job.
Also, for those who might have missed the announcement on Facebook, my first book review for the New Maine Times came out this past Wednesday. The magazine is on-line, so check out the review under 'Culture.'
Funny how I never thought of book reviewer as a career choice and yet, doing them feels like one of the most natural fits for me. I am excited to see if I can land some more gigs with other, hopefully paying, places and really build a future in this new genre of writing. I'll keep you posted.
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