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Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 19, 2010-- 88-0

The UConn women's basketball team just won their 88th consecutive game. Just take a minute to reflect on that--88 wins against all kinds of opposing teams, spread over a two year plus span of time, with seniors moving on last year so that the team is comprised of several freshmen and still, they are able to keep on winning.
Women's college basketball is finally getting some of the media attention it deserves, thanks to this UConn team and its coach, Geno Aureimma. If they can win Tuesday night's game, they will not only have beaten the record for an all-time streak for women's basketball (which they did at game 70 or so) but will have beaten the all-time record for men's basketball set by UCLA.
It's pretty amazing to think any team, male or female, can win that many games in a row, but for the women to do it seems even more amazing, since the funding for women's college basketball is less on average than the men's, the media coverage is definitely less, the women are generally shorter but the basket remains the same height regardless, and women have to contend with their periods. Which is something a short article in Time magazine  a couple of weeks ago pointed out.. all odds seem to be against the women and yet, this UConn team seems to be able to keep on going.
I hope that if any of you are basketball fans but have not managed to catch a women's game, that you click on ESPN Tuesday night and watch history in the making. I know I'll be watching and rooting for this team, along with my husband, who has been a UConn fan for thirty years or more. Power to these girls, they deserve it!

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