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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2, 2011-- Groundhog Day....

It's Groundhog Day, but I doubt Phil, or any other groundhog popped out of a burrow to see his/her shadow. Any self-respecting groundhog and any other mammal for that matter, including me, knew well enough to stay inside today due to the massive storm that swept across the country.
We watched the evening news tonight, something we do every now and then, as we usually get our news from NPR--somehow it's just easier to listen to the news as I can still do other things, like cook dinner, at the same time. Watching the news on the television requires an investment of time, which is something I am loathe these days to squander. But, lots of things are happening in the world, and weather stories are always great to see, so we plunked down on the couch after a lovely meatloaf and mashed potato dinner.
Egypt was naturally the top news of the day as well it should be. I appreciated the back story they gave at the end of the broadcast on the young man, whose name I won't attempt to spell here, who was beaten to death in Alexandria and  who is really the root cause of this revolution. I hadn't heard of him or made the connection before tonight, so it was nice to know how this all began.
The weather was the second top news story-- I am grateful I don't live in Chicago--well, I am grateful for that regardless of the weather but especially tonight with all the roads closed, hundreds of cars all drifted over with snow, and dangerously cold temps due to blast them all tonight.
Because of these big news items, poor Groundhog Day was forgotten. Often at the end of a news cast, there will be some mention of Punxsutawney Phil and whether he saw his shadow. But, not tonight.
Oh well, from the view out my bedroom window, winter will definitely be around for another six weeks.

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