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Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3, 2011-- The needle in the haystack...

Trying to find the right book publisher is like looking for a needle in the haystack--Just when I think an imprint sounds perfect for my latest book, I read the fine print and see "agent submissions only" or "no unsolicited manuscripts, agents preferred." Ugh...
So, what have I been doing in order to find a publisher for the book I finished around Christmas? Laboriously going through my old Writer's Market book, writing down any imprint that doesn't require an agent but deals with the type of book I have, then looking up that publisher's website to check out all the books they printed in the last few years.
On the one hand, it's a daunting task, as there are so many publishers out there.
But, on the other hand, so many publishers have little quirks that make crossing them off the list a no-brainer--they only publish authors in the south or the west or from Minnesota, they only publish authors under 30, they want Hispanic authors or Asian info or stuff from Iran and the Middle East.
My original list of 150 or so in the book is narrowed down to maybe 50 and of those, maybe 5-10, I will actually pinpoint for submitting a query.
Which is not a lot of places for this book-which either tells me that I am not writing to a broad enough audience, or not giving this book the vote of confidence it deserves so that I approach some of the bigger houses or that one of the places on my new list will actually buy the manuscript. Here's to keeping my fingers crossed that the last item is the truest!

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