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Hello readers, I have been trying to figure out how to create a link between this blog site and my new website but unfortunately, have not been able to import one into the other. So, my new blog is found at
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13, 2011-- April snowshowers bring...

Ah, the joys of living in Maine are once again being demonstrated by dear Mother Nature as I sit and look out my window at the thick wet snow flakes and rain pouring from the darkening skies. Yesterday was warm, sunny, a clear robin egg blue sky--I am so grateful I took the time to go for a long, long walk, as today will be spent cooped up in the house with two restless cats and a semi-restless husband.
None have the wanderlust that I have in my heart as I continue to pore through text on the ancient Maya, their customs, their rituals, and the food, plants, and animals of their world.
One of the new books I received the other day is proving to be more academic than I had hoped--Ancient Maya Women edited by Traci Ardren is full of essays, but the long-winded academic kind found in a PhD program rather than an easier, sit down and read me easily type. But, I am determined to slog my way through the book as it is bound to have useful information that I can plug into my heroine's personal history.
This would be a good day to try and work my way through some of them, if I didn't need to go make some money instead. Ah well, there is always later today, while riding my bike, as I am most certainly not going for a walk in the slop falling from the sky.
I do hope these April snowshowers will bring me lilacs in May.

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