New website...

Hello readers, I have been trying to figure out how to create a link between this blog site and my new website but unfortunately, have not been able to import one into the other. So, my new blog is found at
Hope to see you there!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 3, 2011-- In the midst of the Final Four...

We are deeply mired in mud, overflowing in maple sap and up to all hours of the night with the Final Four, both of them. Last night, the UConn men managed to hold on at the last second and win their game by one point, which was way too close for comfort. Tonight, the UConn women have their turn, but not until late, so that means cups of black tea to stay awake until 11:30 or so.
By Tuesday, it will all be over and life will slow down a bit. It is always with mixed feelings when March Madness and April's Final Four are finally done. It is a sure sign of spring when there aren't any more games, but it also means nothing is really on television to watch, too. Which could be seen as a good thing as more magazines will get read and books as well.
I just ordered some new books on the Mayans, more research for my own book. Those should be arriving next week, just in time to fill the emptiness. I am eager to read a newish book on the roles of women in ancient Mayan times; I suspect this author's take on the subject will be quite different than some of the books I have been reading lately which seem very male oriented.
Work on the book is progressing nicely; I finished another chapter this weekend and am at about page 70 or so, the most I have ever written on one subject.

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