New website...

Hello readers, I have been trying to figure out how to create a link between this blog site and my new website but unfortunately, have not been able to import one into the other. So, my new blog is found at
Hope to see you there!

Friday, December 31, 2010

December 31, 2010-- New Year's resolutions and all..

It's the end of another year--goodbye 2010. Overall, this year was a better year than a lot I've lived through with the highlights being my graduation from college, my middle son's graduation from high school, three trips to Mexico, one being a fantastic week with my oldest son, Yule, plus a steady paycheck for the past 6 months, something that's been missing in my life for years as I struggled to get through  college.
So, now it's New Year's Eve and we all should be making resolutions for the new year-- I've done it in the past and always wind up failing and then feel like crap for not following through on those resolutions like writing 5 pages a day, everyday, getting something published in the first six months of the new year, losing five pounds or at least shifting weight so I look better, etc. I never seem to follow these patterns for very long and then spend time beating myself up over not adhering to these self-imposed rules.
 So, this New Year's my resolution is to not make any resolutions. I want to just keep plugging away at my job to make the money to pay the bills, keep writing in my time off so I perfect the pieces I have, and enjoy my life with my family. If I make any resolution at all, it's to not beat myself up quite so severely when I fail at the uphill climb I have set before myself.
I wish all of us good health, sufficient money, good family and friends close by for the new year. Have a great 2011!

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